My Snoogle!
Getting comfortable at night is already an impossibility and I know as my tummy grows, it's only going to get harder.
(Tiny insight into the night of a pregnant lady: stayed up "late" and fell asleep by 10:30ish. Woke up at 3am to pee; also had an excruciating headache - so bad I took Tylenol, which I refrain from if at all possible. Then tossed & turned, trying not to wake my husband, for over an hour. Fell back to sleep after 4am. Only one pee break was a gift, I guess. I'm lucky to have such a sweet, understanding bedmate!)This week we discovered I can't stand the smell of garlic. I still don't have the dreaded morning sickness so I sorta feel like I shouldn't complain about the symptoms I do have, but man! I basically feel like I was hit by a truck, all the time. Daily headaches on top of sheer exhaustion and a general 'blah' feeling. Sleeping is my best friend and difficult to get. Adam can testify to some SLIGHT;) moodiness as well.
But it truly is the best reason to feel like crap :)
We've started some baby steps (see what I did there?) towards getting ready for baby. I got some maternity clothes (!) (more on that later) and we opened a bank account for Lil Trout. My mom is trying to plan my baby shower already! Five more weeks until we find out boots or bows and we can't wait!