Thursday, November 27, 2014


This was my second Thanksgiving with Adam's family. (We've been together for three, actually, but had been dating about 5 minutes the first year and as such, I politely declined 😳.)  We also spend Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday with his family, plus summer barbecue-worthy holidays at his brother's pool. They have welcomed me with open arms from day one. His mom and brothers were telling him to "hurry up and marry that girl" from the beginning. They interact extremely different than my family and are entirely different type of people, but I love them and they love me. Tonight when I left my brother-in-law's house, there was zero sense of awkwardness or obligation with the goodbye hugs (despite Adam's "go hug your ________" to which my MIL said - Stop saying that, she's not rude and we like hugging her, she's not like that other one. Lol). My niece, who like my nephew is a bit shy, came right up for a hug and without thinking, I gave her a kiss.

That's when I realized - this is my family.  I married into a wonderful group of people and by now, the "married into" part is a non-issue. It's Mom & Dad, brothers & sister, niece & nephew. They are my family.

And for this, I am thankful. 

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