Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Love Is A Verb

A good husband makes a good wife. - John Florio

Today, my husband put toothpaste on my toothbrush for me while I showered, and I fell in love with him.

It's a silly thing. It literally saves the other person 2 seconds. It requires no real effort.

It has a huge impact on my day. That simple act of kindness, a little something to save me 2 precious seconds. 

Life is in the details. Making your partner's life easier in even the smallest way sends a big message. Having their favorite drink ready when they get home from a stressful day, turning up the radio when their favorite song comes on, slipping love notes in their wallet. Adam does the chores I loathe to do. I make sure the car seat is moved way back when we switch cars. 

It's more than just a feeling; love is a verb. Yes, my heart and soul are bursting with passionate love for this man. But the action - that is where marital success lies. We choose to love and be loving. It's not always easy, with two hot-tempered firecrackers like ourselves. Love is being caring, even when you're angry.

Think of your spouse. What would you want, in their shoes? We learned it in kindergarten; treat others the way you want to be treated. Quite simple.

There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.
- George Sand

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