Sunday, December 7, 2014

Very Married

When I recently shared this Timehop photo (originally posted before I even knew I was interested in Adam), a friend commented that this quote is so true to me & my marriage.
I love that people recognize that. I am very married. The greatest compliment is "I hope to love and be loved the way those two love each other." My husband is my best friend. My other half, my soul mate, my person, my lobster. He's it for me. Adam & I do just about everything together. We still have separate interests, of course, it's just that we'd rather be together. My friends love him and his, me. I talk about him constantly and when I'm not talking about him, I'm probably thinking about him. I still get butterflies when he walks in the door and kisses me. If we're in the same room, chances are we're touching somehow. We sit on the same side of the booth. As soon as we were married, I changed my name socially & legally - yes I am rocking his last name like a Kennedy. My marriage is everything to me and I think that's the way it should be. 
I don't I'm better than people who aren't married, except me - I'm a better person as a wife.

Just call me Mrs. Troutman <3

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